Ripples In Time
Chapter 5: Kenshin’s Companions
Kenshin continued glancing from between his pack mates and Kaoru, amusement in his eyes, ‘this is going to be interesting...’
Kaoru could only stare as she let her eyes run over each of the people standing before her, Kenshin’s grip about her waist tightened as he lead them towards the others.
There were a total of six there, two female and the rest male. Kaoru noticed right off that as it had said in the file she had received about Kenshin, there was one vampire among them, but it surprised her greatly to find that said vampire was the older of the two females.
This conclusion was easily found, considering that each of the others were sporting tails. But something else also seemed rather off to Kaoru as she gazed at the people she would be living with for who knows how long, there were two children, the youngest seemed to be the male while the older was the remaining female.
What stood out among the remaining three males was their height, it was clear that Kenshin was the Alpha of the pack, but Kaoru was finding it really strange that three males clearly capable of being an Alpha would follow after Kenshin.
As first impressions went, Kaoru found this one to be one of the strangest that she had ever experienced, ‘well who wouldn’t find a pack like this strange…this is really going to take some getting used to.’
Deciding that Kaoru had been given enough time to give each of his pack mates a once over, Kenshin gave Kaoru a sharp poke causing her to yelp and glare at him, much to his amusement of course.
“What was that for?!” Her voice low and full of anger, Kaoru gave Kenshin one of the worst glares that she was capable of, but it didn’t even faze him which only served to just piss her off more.
Choking back the laughter that was rising in his chest, Kenshin cleared his throat and pointed to their guests, a blush rose on Kaoru’s face as she realized that not only did she just challenge Kenshin but she had completely forgotten about the others.
A loud cough from the side caught both of their attentions, Kaoru’s eyes widened when she realized that it was one of the more dangerous looking males and he was staring directly at her, “if you have finished with your fun Himura, I would be grateful if you would answer Sagara’s earlier remark.”
Sighing, Kenshin gave a nod of his head and released Kaoru, shoving her towards his pack mates.
“This is Kaoru everyone, as you have all probably figured out, she is a human. She will now be staying with us indefinitely and before any of you jump to conclusions about why I brought home a human female, she is a hunter and a very skilled one at that.”
Having said that, Kenshin presented his arm, showing where one of Kaoru’s silver throwing knives had pierced his skin. This sent mumbles and tightening expressions throughout his pack, they were clearly shocked to know that this human had somehow been able to scar him.
After a moment, one of them stepped foreword and began circling Kaoru, giving her a curious and measuring look. He stopped after making two rotations, “seems to be quite harmless…are you sure that you didn’t just slip up and accidentally let her cut you? I mean…from just looking at her, she seems to be rather weak to be a hunter, not to men…”
Fed up with being put under the microscope, Kaoru had drawn one of her throwing knives and was now holding it at the male’s throat, her expression serious and cold.
“Fuck you…I could have sliced that throat of yours before you even had a chance to stop me, the only reason I haven’t is because that would be low and I do not wish to tarnish myself because of someone like you. So before you judge me, Lycan, I think you might want to think twice before insulting someone you just met.”
The males eyes darkened and Kaoru could see that he was deciding whether to attack her or not, prepared to teach him a lesson, Kaoru was about to apply more pressure when a hand gripped her shoulder and upon recognizing the touch Kaoru lowered her knife.
“That’s enough you two, Aoshi…now that you have seen some of her skill, do you still doubt my words?”
Giving his pack mate a serious look, he saw the answer to his question and gave a nod, “alright then. Now before anyone else questions me, I think introductions are in order, ne?”
Slipping her throwing knife back with it’s brothers, Kaoru committed the name of the tall male before her to memory and prepared to do so with the rest.
“Ok then, starting from the left, the one with the neutral expression and yellow eyes, is Haijime Saitou.”
Said Lycan only gave her a slight nod before lighting up a cigarette and looking elsewhere. Kenshin didn’t seem to mind and only continued with the intros.
“The one next to him with the rooster look going, is Sanosuke Sagara. He’s a bit of a goof, but he’s still alright.”
As Kenshin paused, this Sanosuke approached with a smile spread across his lips, “Hey there, you can just call me Sano for short, nice to meet yah missy.”
Snorting at the nickname, Kaoru looked to Kenshin, silently telling him to continue. Nodding Kenshin pointed to the vampire female, “this is Megumi Takani and if you haven’t figured it out already, she is a vampire. Anyway, if you need any medical attention what so ever, go to her and she’ll fix you right up.”
Megumi smiled and Kaoru couldn’t help but compare that smile to that of a fox. Nodding back Kaoru turned her attention to the remaining two, Kenshin saw this and couldn’t help but smile, everything seemed to be going rather well so far.
“The one you have already met is Aoshi Shinomori, don’t mind him, he’s always inquisitive.” Kenshin jerked a thumb towards the male that Kaoru had just clashed with and he only sent Kenshin a look before staring off.
Kenshin merely shook his head and continued. “Now, the last two, as you can see are the youngest. The female is Tsubame, she’s rather shy but really gentle.” The one called Tsubame blushed before she darted behind Megumi, her tail the only thing showing that she was behind Megumi.
Kenshin only smiled, “and last but not least, the shorty is Yahiko Myojin.”
“Hey! I’m not short!” Kaoru jumped at the suddenness as Yahiko’s voice tore through the night air, he was scowling at Kenshin and Kaoru couldn’t stop the small chuckle that passed her lips at how silly he looked.
Yahiko’s expression only darkened when he heard her though, “what’s so funny, huh, ugly?!”
A muscle in Kaoru’s jaw twitched as she let her eyes narrow and her hand slide down to grasp that same throwing knife from before, her expression was livid as she took a threatening step foreword and towards the boy.
“What did you just call me?!”
Yahiko flinched and his whole body tensed, “U-g-l-y! Or are you stupid too?”
Letting loose a low snarl that any Lycan would envy, Kaoru launched forwards, gripping the front of Yahiko’s shirt Kaoru lifted him into the air. Her eyes hard, Kaoru brought Yahiko’s face close to her own, “I’m warning you right now kid, if you want a fight then you’ve got a fight but if you loose you will no longer be among the living, oath or not. You get me?!”
Yahiko’s eyes blew wide as he trembled within Kaoru’s grip, Kenshin smiled ruefully at his shocked pack mates before he moved over to stand behind Kaoru, giving Yahiko an annoyed look.
Kaoru could feel Kenshin behind her, but she didn’t even flinch as she slowly lowered Yahiko to the ground and gripped his chin, forcing him to look her in the eye.
“Yahiko…I will not harm you unless you force my hand. I can be very friendly and kind, but if you get on my bad side…you will regret it…understand?”
Yahiko straightened abruptly at her soft and gentle tone, his eyes were confused as he looked around Kaoru, at Kenshin in a silent question.
Rolling his eyes, Kenshin touched Kaoru’s shoulder as he leaned in and whispered in her ear, “he always overreacts…its typical behavior for him. I think that he admires you…he always insults me to show me that he is tough, that he can be thought of as an adult. So…give the little guy some slack…ne?”
Pushing down the sudden desire to sink back against Kenshin, Kaoru grit her teeth and gave a curt nod, “I get the picture…”
Smiling at the effect that he had just had upon Kaoru, Kenshin stepped back and gripped Kaoru’s shoulder as he narrowed his eyes at Yahiko, “Yahiko…I’ll let you get away with it this once, but if there is a next time…you will be punished.”
Yahiko shrank at Kenshin’s words, a look of complete horror crossing his face as he gulped and gave a curt nod, “I…I understand…”
Kenshin immediately brightened as a sly smirk crossed his lips, “alright then…if we are done with all the intros, I’d like to show Kaoru around and get her set up here.” Kenshin gripped Kaoru’s shoulder tighter as he steered her towards the house, but a cough behind him caused him to stop short. Without even turning, Kenshin let out a sigh, “what is it Megumi?”
Megumi shifted tentatively before she took a deep breath, knowing that Kenshin would find out sooner or later, “it’s about where Kaoru is going to stay, we…we have only enough rooms for the seven of us. So, where will she be able to stay?” Megumi prepared for the severe talking to that she was sure to get when she heard Kenshin start laughing as he shook his head, Megumi was so baffled that she could only stare at him in disbelief.
“That is alright Megumi…she will be staying with me,” Kenshin turned his meaningful eyes upon a rather surprised and confused Kaoru, lifting a hand he ran one of his fingers across her cheek, delighting in the soft skin that he felt there.
Kaoru’s eyes immediately widened, lifting a hand Kaoru reached down and gripped Kenshin’s tail in a vice grip, causing him to let out a loud yelp of pain.
“And you’ll be sleeping on the floor…ne?”
Kenshin winced as Kaoru tightened her grip, not able to stand the pain, Kenshin began nodding his head franticly. “Yes...p…please let go Kaoru…it…it hurts…”
Kaoru let go quickly, smiling sheepishly she began running her fingers through Kenshin’s tail, in an attempt to soothe away some of the pain that she had caused. Instead it had a very interesting effect, Kenshin’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he felt pleasure course through every pore of his body, it felt so good that he had sunk against Kaoru’s shoulder as deep rumbling purrs rolled out of his chest.
The whole time, the others watched in muted surprise the same thought running through their minds, ‘Kenshin likes her...’
Struggling to speak over the incredible sensations that were running through him, Kenshin knew that if Kaoru kept this up he would end up doing something that they both would regret, working up the strength Kenshin gripped Kaoru’s shoulders tightly to gain her attention.
Stilling her hand, Kaoru gave Kenshin a confused and guarded look, “what is it?”
Taking a deep breath to regain his wits, Kenshin felt an embarrassed blush burn his cheeks, “we really need to head inside…uh, I need to speak with you alone, alright?” He tried to make his tone normal, but instead it came out desperate and frantic, he really needed to tell her a few things about lycan’s that she apparently didn’t know.
Kaoru’s eyebrows knit together as she tilted her head, “okay…let’s go then.” ‘There is something really weird going on here…I wonder why he’s acting this way? Why am I acting this way? When did I start to actually consider him harmless…I’m in his debt, but I don’t feel like I am any more, why is this happening to me?’
As she was lost in her own thoughts, Kenshin took his chance to study her face, his heart began beating rapidly as he lifted a hand and reached it towards her face. He wanted to touch her lips, feel her hair, her skin, just burry his nose in her neck and take in her scent.
‘Why am I feeling like this…I know I think she is attractive, but this reminds me of the first time I met her. No, I can’t think of that, she’s gone. She chose her path and I can’t place the blame on Kaoru, they are two different people, no…I won’t let that happen. Never again.’
Gritting his teeth, Kenshin drew his hand back and ran it through his hair nervously, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he reached down to grip Kaoru’s hand in his own. Kaoru felt his touch and tensed slightly as his fingers slid through hers, locking their hands together rather nicely, “come on.”
As they started up the steps before them, Kaoru took one glance behind her and not for the first time that day she thought, ‘What have I gotten myself into?’