
Senshi Chronicles 1 Aki by Loki

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Janus's attack platform

Amydarainia styled her hair in a high coronet that complemented her white strapless gown. After applying perfumed oils to her soft skin, she was satisfied with the results. Lido assisted her with makeup, holding the mirror at various angles while Amydarainia nodded her approval. She rose, crossing the floor in response to the flashing COM link.
Suddenly, a frightening image appeared on the crystal screen. She couldn't help jumping back a little in fright at the hideous visage before her.

She chided herself for her display of weakness as the shadow general asked her to join him on the battle bridge.

When she arrived, her eyes fell upon the magnificent sight that lay beyond the dome's massive girth.

"Lady, it is the planet Pluto."

The icy sphere stood out like a bright snowball hurled by a giant into the void of space, it was magnificent.

"Yes, it is most impressive."

"General Janus wanted you to see this, Lady." The sub-commander's reptilian hand moved across one of the glowing obsidian outcrops protruding from the floor. Then the image of an adolescent girl, clad in a short, misty black dress appeared before her, kneeling upon a large circular bed.

Miranda's gossamer shift was fashioned from black lace, the cut accentuating her figure to perfection. The bodice studded with row upon row of tiny diamonds. The choker bore the familiar moon crescent, cast in lignite with sapphire teardrop set at its center.

"She is the child?" Amydarainia questioned.

"She is indeed, My Lady."


Miranda, for some odd reason felt a little uneasy. Her eyes carefully scanned the room. She moved about the bedchamber, making sure she missed nothing.

She carefully placed the magical text back upon its crystal lectern. She reached for her soft midnight blue cloak, wrapping herself within its warmth and rushed outside.

It felt so strange, as if she were being watched.

‘That's ridiculous, isn't it?' Miranda asked herself.

Miranda moved at a brisk pace into the lavish temple gardens, making her way along the pink granite colonnades, these etched with ancient symbols reputed to be more than 907000 years old. Those mighty columns, like an honor guard, climbed the terraces as if marching along the causeway towards the mythical fountain with its beautifully carved murals.

She walked towards a familiar shady tree where she loved to sit and daydream.

Miranda spent an hour under its secure branches with her legs crossed, elbows resting upon her knees. Later, she stretched her limbs and continued her walk. She loved the garden's many impressive monuments and beautiful sandstone outbuildings with their colorful mythical motifs. After a while, she returned to her bedchamber.

The adolescent girl soon found herself wondering what her mother looked like. She had always thought of her whenever alone or afraid as she was at that moment. What was she like? Miranda mused, catching her reflection in the crystal window.

A knock at her door brought her back to herself. She threw a smile of welcome towards her friend and personal attendant, Celera. She hugged her and grinned as the girl sat beside her on the bed. She was Miranda's best friend, not just her attendant. They'd studied under the same imparters at school. Celera used to look after Miranda until eighteen months back when she'd reached the equivalent of ten years of age. Celera remembered with fondness, the first time Queen Freya placed baby Miranda in her arms four Earth years ago.

When Miranda took her first steps, spoke her first words at three weeks, Celera was there to guide and protect her charge until the little girl was old enough to look after herself. Miranda and Celera had become more like sisters over this time.

She had only just noticed the look of excitement upon Celera's face. She had to know. The two girls stumbled over their words, for what Celera had to say would change Miranda's life forever.

"Chibi-Usa, They call her, Small Lady," Celera announced.

Then a young grey moon cat ran into the room, mewing as she leapt onto the veranda seat. The cat's jeweled collar pulsing with lavender light.

"Hi, my name is Diana. I am Chibi-Usa's guardian and friend," the petite little cat declared with a bouncy heir.

Miranda knelt upon the floor, extending her hand to stroke the young Moon Cat. Diana sniffed it, considering her for a moment then rubbed herself against it. "Wow, you're Chibi-Usa's sister. Pluto and Enki contacted Neo-Queen Serenity and explained your history."

"She did?" Miranda said, in a small voice, tears brimming in her eyes.

At first, her heart sank, thinking Neo-Queen Serenity would want nothing to do with a bastard child. Seeing the sadness sweep over the young girl's face, Diana immediately reassured her. "No, Miranda, she loves you very much and wants so to meet you." Diana's words brought tears of love and longing to her eyes. Celera too, shed tears of joy for her friend.

Miranda's heart leapt. "Mother, I have never known her, yet I feel her love and protection all about me...especially at night when the moons have reached their fullness." Miranda picked up the tiny fur ball and rubbed her tear-splashed cheek against the soft fur. "Where is Chibi-Usa now?"

Diana, sitting upright answered enthusiastically, "She is on Earth, in Crystal Tokyo in Earth's future."

"When can I go to her, and how?"

Loki then appeared; rubbing noses with Diana, then faced Miranda and answered her as best he could, "Neo-Queen Serenity wanted to prepare her younger self to meet you. So try not to worry too much, for she will be just as anxious as yourself about the reunion," Loki said, leaping onto Miranda's lap and settled down as the two excited friends fussed over the excited Moon Cats. "As to how this visit shall be achieved, Lady Daphne has given your mother a crystal time key to place in your possession for the journey. She shall visit your mother in the past and do the same for her and her Senshi, along with Tuxedo Kamen."

Janus's attack platform

"She's her mother's daughter, all right," he commented as Amydarainia turned in his arms and kissed him with a fire and passion that never failed to lift his spirits and need of her. After a time they drew apart. "I have a crystal memory pod for you to see, my love. It possesses a short history of the Dark Moon Family and explains the schism between the house of Serenity and that of the disenchanted."

Janus knew it would be difficult to capture the new moon princess. But if he played his cards right, he would have his revenge upon Dr. Zero, the alliance's supreme leader. He knew the answer lay with the beautiful moonchild and her incredible powers, for he believed her to be the sleeping princess of Earth.

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