
Senshi Chronicles 1 Aki by Loki

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Crystal Tokyo

The sun shone like a fiery sea, its golden crests washing over the palace grounds and swept into Usagi's room. Serenity Dawn sat on the end of her mother's bed. "You awake, Usa-chan?"

Usagi rolled onto her back. She yawned, her hands rubbing the tiredness from her eyes as she sat up and stretched, "Wow, I had the strangest dream. I dreamt I met a girl like Aki. She was lying on a large disk, and rose into the air. Draped across her shoulders was a beautiful crystal cat. She spoke to me."

Sere's expression changed from one of passive sleepiness to one of disbelief and excitement. "I had the same dream, Usagi! What does this all mean?"

"I don't know. But if I'm right, I don't think we'll be the only ones who had this dream," Usagi said, swinging her legs out of the comfortable warm bed.


She floated on her back within the beautiful clamshell shaped bath, washing the tiredness from her body and then swam about the spacious pool. Emerging like Aphrodite from the foamy waves, refreshed, a towel draped about her shapely form, she dressed. She tied her Odango as Usa-chan took her turn in the pool.

Sere appeared on the veranda already dressed carrying a platter with a hot pot of fresh coffee and other condiments. Miranda soon joined them. They spent time chatting until breakfast.

After taking their places in the dining hall, conversation revolved around the trip to Myola and the strange dreams shared by all. Everybody, even the Moon Cats, dreamt about the crystal girl, supposing her to be the legendary Oberisku no Shoujo, Aki's mother.


They boarded the Dew Dawn, a beautiful yacht fitted with all the conveniences of a luxury vessel, the impressive array of equipment including state of the art computer workstations and other high-tech gear at their disposal.

Soon they'd set sail for the vast shores of Myola across the Neptune Sea.

The journey took just under an hour. Once ashore, they marveled at the remarkable terrain. It was a strange experience, standing side-by-side with other versions of themselves. Everyone felt it. The science team led by a tall woman, Doctor Ramada Yokomato and several students from Tokyo University made up the rest of the expeditionary team.

They climbed into a series of SUV vehicles and began a two-day journey that took them through rugged, lush and beautiful landscapes, stopping occasionally to stretch their legs.

The massive tail of the Stegosaurus ranges curled about the mysterious mist-shrouded valley. When the incredible city finally came into view, nothing could have prepared them for the spectacle that lay before them. The mist had lifted. Their convoy moved past the awe-inspiring sandstone pillars that shot more than 500 feet into the azure skies above forming an oval enclosure about the vast city. At infrequent intervals, roads plunged into the capitals interior, converging upon the city Centre.

Later that night, the expedition entered the old quarter of the city. The moon illuminated the ancient landscape, giving it a surreal ambiance. The forests and surrounding hills stood as silent witness to this incredible scene. There was an awesome lifelike statue of a beautiful young Senshi Goddess kneeling upon one knee stroking her cat guardian, set atop a crystal platform.

"I'm picking up strange readings from that building opposite. There's a power source within, and it may be linked to the obelisk dreams we've all experienced," Mercury suggested, jerking her head towards the resplendent building with its beautiful statuary and Murals.

The group moved with caution towards the structure. These once-mighty edifices, worn and crumbling under the weight of time and the elements, retained their beauty and mystique. They stood within the vast auditorium, and like brothers, Mamoru and Endymion discussed the magnificent hieroglyphs. It was then they'd noticed the soft purple light coming from within the central chamber. In an instant, it enveloped and transported them over 180000 years into the past.

Without warning, the packed earth dissolved, replaced by magnificent pink granite flagstone. There were people jostling one another, going about their daily business. Merchants hawking for customers and children scurrying about as young couples kissed while seated on the steps of the temple dedicated to the Goddess. The people dressed in colorful robes oblivious to the strangers amongst them.

Usagi looked to the sky and observed the impressive statue they had encountered earlier. The jeweled laurel shimmered with etheric light, as did her long crystalline hair; the monument obviously cared for by the temple priestesses and staff. They could now observe the symbol of Terra upon her brow.

After finding a spot to sleep, they rose to a warm sleepy kind of day, the air scented with sakura and other fragrant flowering plants. Pluto, Uranus and Neptune led the way as they ventured into the city's old quarter and happened upon an ancient magical academy of sorts. Young acolytes sat upon marble benches, or in circles upon the grass talking and laughing. The priestess' quarters lay behind a high stone fence adorned with elaborate pictograms depicting a mythology and culture alien to them all. Awestruck, at the many wonders around them including the most beautiful botanical gardens any of them had ever seen, they were truly impressed.

After speaking with a young girl, they learned that at thirteen, the initiates completed their training as priestesses at eighteen years.

Motoki, a young scientist from Crystal Tokyo who was a dead ringer for their Motoki, smiled at the beautiful high priestess emerging from a group of students to greet the party from the future. Dressed in a short white shift with gold cord tied about her waist with hip-length raven-black hair and dusky complexion, she invited the company to enter the sanctuary and refresh themselves.

She took Motoki aside and led him into a private garden. The courtyard filled with exotic plants. She sat beside him upon a smoothed stone bench. The flowers and herbs growing nearby were aromatic and intoxicating. He began to feel relaxed in her company. A sense of warmth swept over the young scientist as the girl's body began to glow like a bronzed goddess.

She took his hands and held them in her lap, "What is it you want from our people?"

He thought for a moment before speaking, "I am from the future, from a land called Japan. I am here representing Crystal Tokyo and the kingdom of the Earth, under the reign of Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion. We wish to study your civilization and learn about our origins."

Motoki was completely surprised when she leant forward, kissing him square upon the mouth. The kiss deepened, and his arms had of their own volition slipped around her waist. He looked into her eyes for answers. She then stood up smiling. To his amazement and delight, she untied the golden chord around her waist, allowing the shift to fall to the ground. His clothing vanished. She stepped from the circlet of white fabric, naked and resplendent before him. He reached for her, feeling her warm flesh upon his as their fire consumed them.

"We are artisans of magic that exist beyond both this time and your own, Motoki. You and I are destined to reestablish the house of Terra and reunite it with that of the moon. But in order to achieve this task, it requires a new lineage. I will bear it for humankind, for my Aki shall be the catalyst."

"I am just a scientist. Why have you chosen me for this great honor?" he asked of the beautiful woman in his arms pressing her moist lips against his.

She pulled back, "Are you not friends with Endymion? So, too is your past self. You are affinity brothers," she explained, smiling at the young scientist. "I am Princess Myola. My terrestrial sister was slain before she had a chance to give birth to Endymion's sister, Demeter. So, my beloved, I want your love and your seed so I can conceive the hope for the future, through you. I am the Oberisku no Shoujo." Then a pulse of lemon-green light enveloped her beautiful body. Suddenly, he found himself looking up into the glowing eyes of the naked crystal woman straddling him. "I am yours for the taking. I give you love, pleasure and knowledge, and you've given me your wisdom from your time." She placed his hands upon her soft crystal breasts. He explored her body. He made love to her. "Our child is conceived this moment, my beloved… she will be taken to a world called Orpheus and reared by a kind and wise queen. Our child shall be the flower of hope and source of life's infinite wisdom."

Motoki felt himself leave his body, flying with his crystal lover miles above the city. He woke to discover the Senshi of the past and their counterparts, along with Endymion and Serenity, looking down at him.

‘What the hell do I tell them?'

Usagi was overwhelmed with love and pride as she gazed upon her first-born daughter in her Senshi form as Sailor Dark Moon. Her gold tiara with its crescent of white gold, the black fuku decorated with bands of tiny diamonds spiraling their way around her top and skirt, and a wide leather belt encrusted with obsidian looked truly impressive. Miranda's black knee-high boots studded with a combination of diamonds and obsidian crescents, her raven-black Odango -- trademark of the Serenity lineage -- fell midway down the backs of her long legs finishing the stunning picture the young princess presented to her mother.

After saying their goodbyes, Tuxedo Kamen, Sailor Moon, her Senshi and the Moon Cats returned to Earth of the 21st Century via the use of the crystal key.

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