
Foreign Correspondent by Loki

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I hear the roar of a big machine

Two worlds and in between

Fire at will

Dum-dum bullets

Shoot to kill


Empire down

I hear the sons of the city and dispossessed

Get down

Get undressed

Get pretty

You and me

We got the kingdom

We got the key

We got the empire

Andrew Eldritch: Sisters of Mercy



The creatures were continuing to mutate, as youma DNA was introduced, the variations were strange, some beautiful. The females were neutral and this annoyed Tetis, they were hiding and autonomous, but the males were killing them, so most fled into the desert wastes.
A vast majority of the hybrids were the most terrifying denizens of the dark feeding upon their victims, some seeking only energy, others both the energy and the flesh and blood of their prey.

The Sky King pulled Tetis to him, crushing her mouth to his and sliding his hands under the short skirt finding the elastic of her panties.

She giggled and made things easier for him by helping him undress spurring him on to explore her soft down circling the arch Youma Queen's sex.

The monsters ignored them, the hideous mutants much too busy feeding on the dead and dying strewn throughout the deserted streets of the capital to react to the sighs, groans and gasps of two powerful beings having sex.

"So, my general, hot and hard, driven not only by the heat of battle but of my hungry walls; I shall reward you, fill me again."

"Aren't your sexual appetites being met by my skill as a lover, reward enough, my queen?"

"Normally I'd answer that with a yes but I've an assignment for you. There is a senshi in Tokyo who is more powerful than the little moon girl in the nest of soldiers just outside the city. The girl in question is named Naru, Metallia had considered taking her as a host for herself and casting Beryl aside as bate but the poor dear is much too ill to fulfill that plan so, I want her on our side. To that end, Neph, you must seduce the red headed child-woman to our cause and play General of Light and Prince Charming. Are our you… dare I say," she kissed him then stroked him along his length bringing him forth once more, as her grip tightened and she knelt to pay homage in a more intimate fashion. He lost it and closed his eyes gasping with pleasure. "Now, save some of that for lovely Naru. Use your shadow to befriend her and then romance the little lady. Don't look so sad, she's more than able to fill the gap so you'll not miss me that much longer once you've tasted her tender kisses."


Smoke and gunfire was the sound that accompanied the birdsong on another bloody day in Iraq, the war fought by three sets of combatants yet the major antagonists were only just beginning to realize this.

He had been angry after she'd told him he would be leaving for Japan that night. The fact he was promoted had mollified him somewhat, but he soon closed his eyes, savored their recent foray into lovemaking, and was glad he'd given himself to Tetis, as she was the darker and sexier for all that the perfect reflection of the Goddess Venus was.

Tetis was beautiful but her beauty was oddly grotesque and her passions drew him mad with lust, the fact she could assume the form of any woman the perfect aphrodisiac, the icing on that voluptuous cake made it all worthwhile.

Nephrite ran his hands up and down her taught bare legs then peeled off Tetis's soft yellow lacy panties leaving on the colorful anime themed leggings and her knee-high boots taking her on top of a burnt out pick-up truck.

she'd laughed at the bodies of Iraqi insurgents, US and NATO troops killed by the mutants feeding on them like kids at a theme park having almost taken half the city while the war continued beyond that claimed in the name of Tetis's new Terran dominion.

Bagdad would soon become the Eastern Province of the New Dark Kingdom.

"You want to take me in the human manner befitting a quadruped, I like that, but I warn you, I bite so slide in easy, not too fast into my wonderland," she cooed.

"As…, you…, wish, my lovely queen!" he growled.

Tetis spread her knees apart extending her arms purring like a cat then laughed as he gripped her hips and made love to her once more.

He exploded inside her, thrusting deeper into her fiery well as she growled and yowled sounding like a panther in heat.

"I might get pregnant, what kind of child do you think we'd have, Neph? Does that please you that I might want your baby?"

"I am not particularly fussed if you have one or not, a daughter would be the perfect heir to the Dark Throne, so a daughter is good through a son would later produce female heirs, either way I am fine."

He grunted, not caring, but later the idea would appeal to him more than he expected.

Tetis knew, as did all youma hybrids when they'd conceived and she had.

She drew away and turned to face him. Pulling her military dress over her head after unbuttoning it to the waist, she shook her hair loose sending him into a frenzy of passion. Now completely naked but for the leggings she wore he drew her to him. With her leathery wings splayed, as were her thighs, he smothered her in kisses. Tetis's hair fell to the dusty tray of the truck, her eyes aflame with desire illumed by the occasional explosion of missile and mortar shells in the distance reflected off the glass panels of the skyscrapers. He thought her the loveliest creature in the universe at that moment.

in this human form, her lips soft and mouth sweet, hair long and dark her skin like creamed coffee with generous curves in all the locations most pleasing to a man, she was exquisite.

"Most… delicious and may I say, befitting a new queen. What better way to celebrate your rise to power than copulating in the burial ground of your enemies, oh yeah!" Nephrite wondered if he could climax a fourth time.

She'd teased him to the point of insanity.

"And what…, are…, you waiting for, please me!" she purred.

Nephrite slipped inside her once again after she had straddled him. She flapped her massive wings, holding the Sky King in her arms, her powerful legs keeping him from falling to his death and they hovered near the tops of several skyscrapers making love in mid-air before gently descending onto the back of the truck.

She sat back on her haunches as he panted for breath. Tetis laughed as he reached for her breasts and squeezed as she sat back, legs splayed like a flower as she reached orgasm once more and she drew his lips to her need.

The Desert

Ashalia knelt on one knee and examined the burnt out wrecks left by three conflicts, the first Gulf War, the second bringing an end to Saddam Hussein's brutal regime and now this new conflagration.

The dark skinned young woman breathed in the scent of wild jasmine and smiled. She began sketching.

Heavy with child, she relied on her brother and sisters and their friends to make sure they were safe during her creative expeditions into the mountains and desert for her artisanship. An hour later, she began taking a series of digital images on her crystal pod and filming holo- footage giving a detailed commentary.

The sun was beginning to sink towards the horizon, and they had to go back.

The mutants at first thought to be men dressed up in costume. Soon the dead bodies, half eaten and digested, demonstrated that whatever these things were, they weren't human. The village governor suggested these were either a horrible human hybrid created by the Americans, or something more terrifying, creatures not of this world. Some thought these sent to punish the wrongdoer by God. The reaction was predictable, everyone laughed, but more in fear than mirth.

He laughed too, but everyone took it all very seriously.

Perimeter guards used flamethrowers, machine guns anything really to ward off the monsters.

The razor wire fencing was proving successful. Yet, the marauding mutants were not trying to break into the village in any organized way. The creatures were opportunists and it was insurgents and terrorists wandering through the mountains that were set upon most of the time. The preferred prey was rodents, wild dogs and pigs. The remains weren't pretty.

A week later, Ashailia went into labor. The little girl was healthy, she had Jake's green eyes and her skin coloring and a mixture of her parent's finest features. She cooed to her baby and wanted to keep her safe.

Ashailia carried an automatic machine pistol at all times, Jake taught her how to use and reload it; she was a good shot.

The young mother and artist also carried a set of silver daggers with a mean curved blade. No creature or man would bring harm to her little girl.

She sent him a message via the satellite uplink on her laptop that Jake had gotten for her and it was such a relief to talk to him on the net through the US army website, he'd gotten her clearance and through his account she could explore the world and it was a real buzz for her creative muse.

Jake also made sure her family and village had plenty of things to help improve their chances of survival. The settlement had hot running water and power via a solar generator. Her husband had organized the latest medical equipment, a modern clinic, two nurses, a fulltime doctor, and a team of visiting doctors he'd arranged for, paying for this himself, as his family was quite wealthy. All this would last the duration of the conflict, he left nothing to chance and one of many reasons she loved him.

Ashailia needed him more than ever. She longed to be safe and warm in his arms snuggling up in bed.

A week had passed and on one warm afternoon having taken a nap after breast-feeding her daughter, Liana, she had heard a strange sound coming from the storage shed.

Ashailia and her brother some ten minutes later, carrying two pitchforks approached the small aluminum building and flung the doors open to the strangest sight, a girl, kind of a girl. She wasn't like the other creatures raiding human cities and villages. no, but for her beautiful translucent wings and shimmering hair, the crystalline body and those huge silver eyes, she was not that bad to look at, even a little pretty.

She was more afraid of them, than they were of her. She was shaking like a leaf.

"W-water, please, I thirst…, please I won't hurt you, only the alpha males kill, help me!"


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The community was founded in 2005. It is currently a static archive.
The current design and source code were created by Dejana Talis.
All works in the archive are copyrighted to their respective creators.