
Role Reversal by twiknham

Role Reversal

Role Reversal

Disclaimer: As always…Twiknham does not own any rights to Rurouni Kenshin or any other anime/manga series.  The rights to Rurouni Kenshin belong to Nobuhiro Watsuki, then to Animeworks and ADV for purchasing those rights from Nobuhiro.  Twiknham gains nothing from this fic except a short amount of peace from my muse and the satisfaction of a new creation.  Please enjoy.


Role Reversal


Kaoru sat in front of the dojo’s shoji screens, her calves protesting the weight she was placing on them.  She sighed slightly as they waited for the last person to arrive.  Kenshin looked over at her, his bright eyes dimmed slightly in concern.  She shook her head negligently to let him know she was okay.  The reason for her sigh wasn’t the reason he was concerned, and she didn’t want to add any more worries to him today. 


The faces looking back at her were the faces of very long-time friends.  They were sitting in order of their appearance into her life, almost as if they had intentionally ranked themselves.  Dr. Genzai was still alive, although he was no longer actively practicing.  Ayame and Suzume were sitting beside him, both girls having grown up to become lovely Japanese flowers.  Although they’d always thought Ayame would follow in her grandfather’s footprints, Suzume was the one the fates chose, and she currently was interning under the very famous local doctor.  Kaoru had first met the girls as infants in their parents’ arms.  When the tragedy occurred and Genzai-sensei (Genzai-doctor) took them into his care, Kaoru had wept bitter tears of unseen regrets.  Although he continued to be a hentai (pervert), he raised his girls to understand that his behaviors were not honorable in a younger man.  They were the only children Kaoru had ever expected to have before she fell in love with a wandering warrior and began to hope for a traditional future.


She looked over at the man who was sitting completely still, but she knew this stillness was just a façade.  Just that morning, he had been bouncing around the dojo, singing silly songs under his breath as he finished the laundry and started breakfast.  Kaoru didn’t feel much like eating these days, but it didn’t keep her wiry husband from trying.  Each day it was a different dish, and she would look at it and then at him; hoping he’d eventually get the idea that she just didn’t want breakfast.  If she didn’t see him working out in the afternoons, using her bokken (wooden practice sword) to relieve the tension that he wasn’t able to relieve in other, more stimulating methods, she would have thought he was possessed of some friendly sprite.  However, she’d learned years ago that this man had layers he would never reveal to anyone.  There was only one other human who knew as much about Kenshin as she did, and Hiko Seijuro was again hiding in the mountains, only coming down to buy sake or tussle with the village women.


Smiling at being allowed to play a part in Kenshin Himura’s life, she looked up into the scowling eyes of her greatest nemesis…Yahiko Myogin.  He sat beside Suzume, his wife Tsubame unable to attend because of chores at the Akabeko.  Kaoru’s family was made up of individuals who had no blood connection to her, and Yahiko was the closest to a little brother.  Kenshin and herself had discovered him as a savage child, living by being a pickpocket for the local Shogunate.  Kenshin had won his freedom through some event the two of them never discussed, and Yahiko had been living with them ever since.  Although Yahiko and herself had fought the entire time the two of them lived under the same roof, they had both come to each other’s rescue more times than could be counted and would defend the other to the death.  Tired of his scowl and unable to do anything about the reason he was scowling, she stuck her tongue out at him, eliciting a deeper scowl from him and a melodious chuckle from the very sexy woman sitting on the other side of him.


Megumi Takani was the local doctor.  She’d been adopted after her rescue from a heroine production facility in which she was being held captive for her knowledge of how to make the poison.  The rescue effort had cost a lot of lives and there was no love lost between her and the tall scary individual sitting at the far end of the ‘line.’  Megumi winked at Kenshin, knowing she was watching.  Kaoru watched as Kenshin darted his eyes over to see if she’d noticed and had to hide a smile as his eyes darkened imperceptibly in fear of what she’d say later.  It was a game the two women had been playing for years.  Megumi was always flirting with Kenshin in front of Kaoru.  Kenshin quit responding when he realized it bothered Kaoru; but that didn’t keep the fox from continuing to tease her friend.


She really had hoped that Hiko Seijuro had been able to attend and as she looked over at the person sitting beside Megumi, she figured there was justice in the world.  The great heroine cook was sitting beside the ex-Shinsengumi leader, Saito Hajime.  At one time, her husband had stood on the opposite side of the legal system from the tall brooding man who had only put his cigarette out when Kenshin threatened to get Tokio on his ass for smoking in a host’s home.  The Shinsengumi had been the government’s finest fighting squad during the revolution, and Kenshin had been the highest skilled assassin for the Tokugawa gang.  Kaoru wondered how Saito had managed to capture such a lovely woman as Tokio.  There were rampant rumors surrounding his wife.  They ranged from her being an orphan raised by the Wolf and trained solely in sexual pleasures, to her being the last surviving princess of a northern royal family.  However, Kaoru’s favorite rumor was the one in which Saito had been so taken by a beautiful geisha that he had risked his entire military career to pay off her family’s debts and have her released into his care.  Looking at the tall shadow stoically sitting beside his tiny brilliantly garbed wife, she smiled at the ludicrous thought.


Seeing the smile, the tiny woman beside Tokio leaned over to the only man in the room that truly frightened Kaoru.  The tiny woman, smiling mischievously while her long braid swung over her shoulder, whispered words that the tall man beside her listened to without even a flicker of response.  Misao was a very unique woman.  Everyone called her ‘the weasel.’  She was so adapt at sneaking around and still having the unerring ability to get caught, it was too hard to resist poking fun at her.  Kaoru would never understand what Misao saw in Aoshi Shinomori, but she’d doggedly followed him her entire life.  Aoshi had tried to kill Kenshin on more than one occasion, and his lack of remorse or unwillingness to change made it hard for Kaoru to like the cold assassin who led the Oniwabanshu.


By the time she’d made a sweep of the group, thinking of all the changes that had happened in each of their lives, her feet were completely numb and she had a cramp in her right calf.  Not really caring if anyone thought she was improper, she started to shift her weight when the shoji to her left suddenly opened and their very late last guest arrived.  Sanosuke Sagura was a man contradictorily of a hundred names, but none of his own.  Sano to his friends, Rooster to his close friends, and Aku to his enemies; his given name had been lost during the revolution.  He was tall with a propensity to wrap his hair so it stuck straight up making him appear taller.  Looking at the redhead sitting beside her, Sano suddenly tossed a package at the smaller man.  She watched as Kenshin’s eyes widened and he muttered “Oro” before reaching out and nimbly catching the package with such clumsiness that it looked like he’d barely managed to nick it.  It was a habit that fooled no one today.  Each man in the room, except for Dr. Genzai, had personally been defeated by the diminutive man cautiously putting the package in front of her.  Sano smiled and pushed Saito over with a gleeful grin so he could sit beside his woman.  Saito growled while Megumi frowned at Sano for being so obvious.  Kaoru had no idea if the two of them would ever marry, but they seemed to be rubbing along despite the ceremony.  When Megumi suddenly reached behind her and pulled his hand off of her ass, twisting his arm and causing him to kiss the floor, everyone laughed.


Kaoru listened as Kenshin quietly cleared his throat and felt pride for her husband as everyone in the room came to sudden attention.  His squeaky voice had deepened, making him sound boarderline dangerous.  “Everyone, thank you for coming today.  As you know, we are expecting Kaoru to pop at any moment.”  She blushed as everyone looked at her extended stomach, and she almost wished that they’d decided not to have this baby shower.  “Since Sano was nice enough to try and remove my head…”

“I’m just trying to beat Kaoru to it.”  Everyone laughed and she glared at her friend.

“I guess we’ll open his gift first.”  Kenshin started to hand the package to Kaoru, but she froze.


It was strange, her entire life she’d carried a vague desire to have a child; but now that she was close to delivery, she was hesitant.  Kaoru Kamiya had never been afraid of anything, her father had taught her that.  But of the two of them, Kenshin was the more ecstatic.  Gently placing her hand on his, she smiled and looked deep into his sparkling eyes.  She looked past the excitement of the opportunity to share normalness with his friends, past the love so strong he’d faced the demons of his past to claim it, past the demons of his choices and saw the small child that he had once been.  This was the child that would have existed if fate had not dealt such a series of cruel blows.  Leaning over slowly, she whispered in his ear.  “You open them, I’ll watch.”


She watched as her husband exclaimed over each gift.  He would hold each one up and explain how wonderful the gift was before sincerely thanking the person who had given the gift.  There were many, for such a ragtag band of misfits.  Dr. Genzai gave a small set of retracting gates that he said would keep Kaoru’s child out of trouble.  His daughters both gave small baby gowns that the child would wear once it was born.  Yahiko had given a rattle, Megumi had made a small blanket, and Sano had thrown in a roll of diapers, literally.  When Kaoru informed Kenshin that he’d be responsible for cleaning those things, everyone howled.


Tokio had made two tiny outfits, one a girl’s kimono in the colors of the Kamiya dojo, the other a boy’s outfit in the colors of the Shinsengumi.  Kaoru watched the exchange between the two men after Kenshin’s eyes fell on the aqua and navy colors of the extinct death squad.  Saito rolled his eyes and looked at his wife as if to say ‘she did it, don’t ask,’ but Kaoru knew that Saito had given the sleeve off his most prized robe in order to allow his wife to make the outfit and both men understood the significance of that sacrifice.


Misao and Aoshi were the last and both presented a tiny futon.  It had been Misao’s as a child and she told Kaoru that as long as the baby didn’t get any larger than Kenshin, there wouldn’t be a problem.  Amongst the roars, Kaoru watched as a tear silently slid down Kenshin’s cheek and gently reached a hand over to touch his, pretending to examine the mattress.  In a rare show of affection, he leaned over and gently kissed her cheek before straightening and looking at each of his ‘family.’


She watched as he put the futon down and fisted his hands, putting them on his thighs.  Each of the group members quieted and sat still, waiting on what the man had to say.  Kaoru knew he was battling fierce emotions and did nothing to embarrass or give away his situation.  Finally, he started speaking.  Karou listened in amazement.  “When I started this journey, I knew I could expect no one to help me.  However, over the years each of you had helped me reshape my opinion of life.  I cannot atone for the things done by the Battousai, and I am touched that each of you have given me the opportunity to be a part of your lives.  Most importantly, I appreciate my wife for letting me live in her house and occupy space in her heart.”


Kaoru couldn’t resist, Kenshin was becoming too serious and she knew if he continued, he’d embarrass himself.  “I only kept you because you cook and clean.  It took me years to find good wife material.”


Amongst howls and a furious debate about how bad Kaoru’s cooking really was, the two made eye contact.  Their relationship had never been a traditional one; but it worked.  They were both reliving a conversation they’d had earlier in the week in which Kenshin finally admitted he’d started cooking and cleaning as payment for her kindness and generosity to a stranger, but he’d continued hoping to win a place in her heart.  Since she had chosen to hold the man’s job, she had no need for a husband.  Kenshin did the only thing he could think of…he took on the wife role.


The party carried on long enough to eat.  As the sun went down, the members left, all promising to return when the new baby arrived.  Kaoru thanked each one of them while Kenshin hugged them, giving them small packages of rice and tofu to carry them over for another meal.  As he walked Yahiko out, giving him small tips to help improve his back swing, Kaoru left to go to sleep.  When Kenshin pulled open the screen, she watched as he smiled at the sight that greeted him.  She understood what he saw, dark hair fanned out against the bedding and a large hump that occupied most of the covers.  It would have embarrassed her if he hadn’t been the cause of that hump. 


She squealed as a firm hand grabbed a foot.  “Give me the feet Kaoru, I saw how bad you were hurting today.”  She let him massage them, running his hands up her calves.  “I know your back is hurting, roll on your side and I’ll work on it too.”  Not passing up that opportunity, she turned and sighed as he found each sore spot and rubbed until the soreness was gone.  “I made tea, it’s sitting outside the door.  Would you like a cup?”


Kaoru turned her head to look up at the man currently working on the area between her shoulder blades.  “I fell in love with you for who you are, not because you cook and clean for me.  You do understand that although I run a dojo and typically act the male part, I didn’t marry you because you made the perfect wife?”


Kenshin chuckled, a deep sound in his chest.  “Yes.  You look at me with the eyes of a completely unbiased soul.  I do these things for you because you need me to, not because I want to wear a kimono.  You allow me to be someone other than the Hitokiri, a softer gentler man.” 


Kaoru smiled, feeling at ease for the first time all day.  Yawning, she turned back to face the wall.  “Okay, just don’t forget that tomorrow is laundry day.  I’ll see you when I wake up.”  She was asleep before she heard his reply.


The devil-haired man looked down at the very pregnant form of his wife and brushed a stray hair off her face before kissing her lips.  “I would move the world for you, I’m glad your price is only laundry.”

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