
The Library: Alphabetical by Title
An asterisk(*) denotes a completed story.

* Pale September by JuJube Story G Sailormoon  
Sailor Galaxia ponders the purpose of her resurrection on Earth.
* Pale Shadow Boy by Kihin Ranno Poem PG Sailormoon  
A poem that was so inspired by Demando/Usagi that I may as well label it as such and have done with it.
* Pane of Love by Jessica Pendragon Poem G Original Fiction  
Man was I emo and loved Poe in high school. Wow.
* Panty Raid by stormwalker628 Story PG13 Ranma 1/2  
Ranma tries to stop Happosai's usual activities. Happosai responds by trying to bribe Ranma... with Akane's undergarments.
* Paranoid by La Mort Story G Sailormoon  
In a world where anyone could be a youma, and anything out of the ordinary could be an enemy plot, wouldn't you be a little paranoid? An alternative perspective on Usagi during the first season.
* Party Time by Starsea Story PG Sailormoon  
Zoisite and Small Lady discuss party dresses.
* Passion Red by Jessica Pendragon Story PG13 Sailormoon  
"Mortal men should fear the kiss of a goddess." "No one ever died from a kiss." They weren't meant to be but love never listens, not on a night like this.
* Passions of Fate by cwiddy Poem PG13 Harry Potter  
This is a sonnet about Remus and Tonks
Path of Thorns by Ravyn Story R Rurouni Kenshin  
When the Himura Heir returns from his travels overseas, he brings with him a rumor of madness. Kaoru hardly expects the rumors to be true – or to find herself trapped in a magical ploy for revenge.
Peeping Toms by S. Schumaker Story PG13 Sailormoon  
UM Usagi has decided to move to the Big City of Tokyo to live out her dreams. But, when a small accident has her spying on the sexy neighbor boy, her entire life flips upside down.
* Pensieve of Time by cwiddy Story G Harry Potter  
Aria McFadden Weasley is having a quiet day off when a package left on her door step sends her on an adventure of a life time. Sometimes the unexpected can bring about small miracles and even healing that one is unaware is needed.
* Perfect by Baine Story PG13 Sailormoon  
In life, we all strive to overcome the odds in order to achieve our dreams. Whoever said that we were supposed to have ~fun~ in the process was obviously on crack............
* Perfect in Weakness by Ravyn Story PG13 Naruto  
Team 7. Team Hebi. Sai. Because when Sasuke comes home he brings some people with him and some interactions are more hostile than others. Team 7 never said they'd share.
* Permanence by kokoronagomu Story PG13 Inuyasha  
Childcare in the Sengoku Jidai. The setting is the evening of Kagome\'s final return. A humorous look at differences in cultural norms.
* Permanent Damage by December Vignette PG13 Heroes  
Claire reflects on damage, Father's Day, and other losses. Spoilers for season 1 and episode 9 of season 2
* Personal Bubble by Kihin Ranno Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Motoki reconnects with bubbles. Mamoru has something better to hold on to.
Contest Winner * Personification of Envy by Nephthys Moon Story PG Ouran High School Host Club  
The Seven Deadly Sins, Ouran Style.
* Phantom Bus by Heavenly Pearl Vignette PG Sailormoon  
A newspaper article detailing the Phantom Bus incident.
* Phobos by Starsea Vignette PG Sailormoon  
A tense encounter in the Dark Kingdom between a man with a death wish and his brother in arms. Written for the sm_monthly LJ community "Fear" challenge.
* Pictures Worth More than Words by Kihin Ranno Vignette PG Sailormoon  
It was not a stroke of luck that she found the book.
Contest Entry * Pilgrims In A Strange Land by Starsea Story PG Sailormoon  
Mamoru experiences his first Thanksgiving at Harvard while trying to find out if his roommate is thankful for anything at all.
* Pillow Talk by Heavenly Pearl Story R Kaleido Star  
Layla learns the truth about Yuri after a passionate night together. Takes place during Episode 16.
* Plain and Simple by Kihin Ranno Story R Harry Potter  
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar..." There are some things that require analyzing and deep thought. There are some things that have layers and layers of complexities to peel back to find the truth. There are some things that can never be explained no matter how much one looks into it. And then there are some things that are plain... and simp...
Contest Entry * Playing Doctor by Heavenly Pearl Story PG Fruits Basket  
It's the last snow of the season, and Hatori and Kana intend to make the most of it.
* Playing the Fool by Jaded Catalyst Vignette G The Naked Brothers Band  
Every song he wrote, he wrote for her. Rosalina wasn’t deaf to the songs she sang, but she could still pretend to be blind to the obvious.
* Pleasure to Burn by Kihin Ranno Story PG13 Original Fiction  
He inhaled the scent of ruin and ash and glowed.
* Plights by Cheshlin Poem G Harry Potter  
Molly Weasley reflects on money and her family
* Plushy Moments by Loki Story PG Sailormoon  
When Minako reads a letter sent from Australia by Kunzite, she must make an important decision, is she able to take a chance that could change her life?
* Pluto's Present by Heavenly Pearl Story G Sailormoon  
Pluto receives the best Christmas present ever.
Poker Faced by Loki Story PG13 Crossover  
Mamoru has a bad fall, but when he wakes up in an alternate universe, one where his familiar world is fused with that of a chaotic realm where everything is turned on its head, he wonders if it is real and more importantly, whether or not he can possibly surivive as a reluctant gunslinger
* Politically Incorrect by Heavenly Pearl Story PG13 Sailormoon  
A scandal involving her politician father rocks Rei’s world and puts her in the path of unexpected danger.
* Pondering Backublah Zooooper by Papirini Story G Sailormoon  
On the threshold of giving up her powers, one girl-villain ponders another choice.
* Portrait of an Old Man by blue Story G Sailormoon  
A picture speaks a thousand words.
* Possessing the Obsession by Kihin Ranno Vignette R Sailormoon  
Prince Demando is not content.
* Possibilities by dulcet_tones Vignette G Harry Potter  
James receives his HeadBoy badge.
* Preemptive Strikes by Moon_Destiny Story PG13 Psych  
Shawn and Lassie and rain.
* Presumption by DaBlackRose Story PG Sailormoon  
It has come time for Nephlyte to face his past and what went wrong all those centuries ago. A secret discovery found on Beryl's remains leads to memories of darker times and answers that Nephlyte may not be able to face. [Oneshot] [Character Study]
* Presumption by GirlWhoWrites Story PG Sailormoon  
He also had the sneaking suspicion that she was enjoying this more than he thought the terms of their truce should have allowed.
* Pretending to Ever After by Kihin Ranno Vignette PG13 Sailormoon  
“Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.” – Alan Watts
* Pretending to Pretend by Kihin Ranno Vignette PG13 Veronica Mars  
Wallace was humming that song again.
Pretty Soldiers by Sokudo Ningyou Story PG13 Sailormoon  
A general re-write of the Sailormoon manga. Plot holes are explained, new characters are added, and everyone gets their due. A work in progress since 2000.
* Pride and Prejudice by Kihin Ranno Vignette PG Harry Potter  
Written for the Queerditch Pub Challenge - Snape/Narcissa: Pride and Prejudice
Prince in White - A Mamoru Story by Aph Story G Sailormoon  
This is the PGSM Live Action, retold from Mamoru’s point of view. It is mostly centred on his romance with Usagi, though there will be the other aspects as well. Read and enjoy! =)
* Princess of the Moon by Chmia Story PG Sailormoon  
"In the end, I’m only a normal girl with very extraordinary friends.” This is a spin on a popular theory concerning Naru. One-Shot
* Princess Snowflake by Loki Story G Sailormoon  
Usagi and Mamoru wish to give the people of Juuban Prefecture, especially its children, a special Christmas gift from the heart before the Big Freeze comes.
* Prisoners of Circumstance by DesDiamondS Story PG Harry Potter  
When Draco is captured by the Order of The Phoenix Hermione is confronted with emotions she had bottled away. What happens to two people when they are trapped by something greater than four walls?
* Private Christmas by Heavenly Pearl Story PG13 Harry Potter  
Percy and Penelope find the perfect place to celebrate Christmas alone. Set during "Chamber of Secrets".
* Promise by Kihin Ranno Story PG13 Sailormoon  
"Do you promise that your kisses will never be a lie?"
* Promises by phenomenon Vignette G Harry Potter  
A moment between Draco and Hermione
* Prophecy by Kihin Ranno Vignette PG Sailormoon  
A prophecy comes to pass... or does it?
* Protection by Kihin Ranno Vignette PG Sailormoon  
Hino Rei needs no protection.
Psychosis by gotrice15278 Story R Avatar: The Last Airbender  
Give've already sold your soul to me.
* Public Service Announcement by stormwalker628 Story G Sailormoon  
After the events of "Sailor Venus no kako, Minako no hiren!" Sailor Moon is asked to perform some community service.
* Pumpkin Prince by Jessica Pendragon Story G Original Fiction  
"Not every Prince Charming wears a fancy suit and owns a white mustang.”
* Purification By Fire by Heavenly Pearl Vignette G Sailormoon  
Makoto and Minako perform a "romance purification ceremony".
* Puzzling Pieces by Vayleen Story PG13 Avatar: The Last Airbender  
A series of slightly satirical, slice-of-life, sometimes silly, and sadly unserious 100-word stories written for the Sokka/Azula drabble community on Livejournal.

* Quaint Little Concept by Starsea Story R Sailormoon  
Kunzite's diplomatic mission to Venus is complicated by the schemes of a certain princess, who's used to getting her way. A battle of wills begins...
* Queen of Hollywood by Heavenly Pearl Story PG Sailormoon  
Minako's mother has a secret obsession: a love for tabloids. It's a love she uses to feel a part of her daughter's life when Minako runs off to Hollywood to become an actress, cutting off all ties with her family. Mrs. Aino thinks Minako's life must be incredibly glamorous, but nothing could be further from the truth.
* Quest by Starsea Vignette G Sailormoon  
An interesting discovery on a summer afternoon.
* Quickened by P.H. Wise Story PG13 Crossover  
Buffy really DID come back wrong, and the consequences of this draw her into an even greater conflict... (a Buffy-Angel-Highlander crossover)
* Quicksand by Nephthys Moon Vignette G Sailormoon  
Being a decoy shouldn’t involve all this
* Quiet and Cool by Nephthys Moon Vignette G Harry Potter  
Inspired by Jimmy Buffett’s ’Love in the Library’
Quirk of Fate by AngelMoon Girl Story PG13 Sailormoon  
Reclusive med-student Chiba Mamoru would never have gotten caught up in the fantastical world of superheroes, moon princesses, and nefarious alien queens were it not for a little mishap involving Tokyo's legendary Sailor Moon and his car's front bumper...

The community was founded in 2005. It is currently a static archive.
The current design and source code were created by Dejana Talis.
All works in the archive are copyrighted to their respective creators.